Prodcast: Job search & immigration to the US
- 9,500 organic subscribers
- Over 850,000 views in total
- Over 700 videos
- 250+ Long videos from 1,000 to 15,000 views
- 150+ Live streams
- 300+ Shorts
- Videos have an everlasting presence, consistently garnering views (job search, visas, business, immigration, live in the US)
- Topics
- Job search in the US or in American companies
- US Visas
- Product Management
- Business in the US
- Immigration
- Audience
- Tech professionals, product managers, designers, developers, business owners, who have already immigrated to the US or are willing to immigrate to the US soon
- O1/EB1 (extraordinary people), H1B (high skilled workers), L1 (executives) US visas holders or potential holders
- Career oriented, eager to learn and improve their live
- Russian speakers with high proficiency in English
- Geo
- 35% US
- 30% Europe
- 25% Russia
- 10% Other
- Demography
- Gender
- Age
- 40% 25-34 years
- 50% 35-44 years
- 10% Other
Best fit for brands in following domains
- Education
- Travel
- Visas, attorneys
- Job services
- Career coaches
- Online games
- Online services for tech professionals
Sponsorship options